Rayimnazarov Saloxiddin Davirbek o‘g‘li
TDIU, “Iqtisodiyot” kafedrasi, PhD
Email: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0001-7257-3973

In this article, in the conditions of financial globalization, the competition between banks to attract large corporate clients has increased, and the market of retail banking services in Uzbekistan is becoming one of the promising areas of ensuring bank income and competitiveness. At the moment, retail services occupy a special place in the market of banking services, and they are mainly aimed at satisfying the population’s demand for financial and banking services. It is known that retail banking services are distinguished by a number of their features, in particular, as the main consumers, individuals appear on the scene, although the volume of transactions is small, the costs are higher compared to corporate banking services, and the services are aimed at meeting personal requirements. Also, the results of the comparative analysis of the characteristics of tariff policy formation, which are used in the practical activities of commercial banks of our country and foreign countries, are reflected. In addition, suggestions and recommendations developed by the author on improving the tariff policy have been expressed. The concepts of banking products, banking operations and banking services are widely used in the theory and practice of banking. But they are based on the concept of goods. The concept of retail banking services, the relevance of the development of retail banking services in the banking system of Uzbekistan, the opinions of foreign and local scientists about retail banking services, the importance of retail banking services in the transformation of banks, the current state of retail banking services, the author’s approaches and opinions on the development of retail banking services are presented. . Commodity is essentially the economic form of historically created material values in the form of products and services.
Key words: commercial banks, tariff policy, retail services, macroeconomic factors

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