Naima Fatikhovna Khalmurzayeva
Senior Lecturer, Department of Management and Marketing
Kimyo International University in Tashkent
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
[email protected]
ORCID: 0009-0004-9176-6825
JELClassification: I25, J21
Abstract: This article explores the complex dynamics within the modern higher education system, where the behavior and interactions of key participants such as students, universities, and employers play a critical role. The unique motivations, expected requirements, and influencing factors of each participant are analyzed in detail. For students, the motivation for choosing a higher education institution depends on several factors, including reputation, quality of education, location, faculty composition, and employment opportunities. Furthermore, students’ activities in the educational process, anticipated learning outcomes, and future employment expectations
influence their behavior. The examination of university operations includes aspects such as offering educational services, using marketing strategies, and providing support for graduates in their job placements. The article emphasizes the necessity of increasing a university’s competitiveness, adapting to student needs, and continually improving the quality of education.
The analysis of employer behavior includes an examination of required skills and knowledge, demands on the quality of education, and interest in collaboration with universities. The needs of modern employers require particular attention to graduates’ practical skills and personal qualities.
This article also explores the interactions among these three key participants in the higher education market. It highlights the importance of cooperation and considering the needs of all stakeholders to develop the higher education system and prepare competitive professionals.
Keywords. Higher education market, student behavior, higher education institutions (HEIs), educational services, marketing strategies, educational process, graduate employment, labor market, student motivation, quality of education, employer requirements, collaboration with HEIs, practical skills.