Babaeva Guzal Yashinovna,

Senior lecturer of the department

“Banking Accounting and Audit”

Tashkent Institute of Finance

  Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Email: [email protected]

ORCID: 0009-0005-0025-139Х


Abstract.  The article considers the structure of the country’s payment system, gives a description of its components and a review analysis of the literature of various authors on research in the field of the functioning of payment systems, formed definitions reflecting the concept of a national payment system. The concepts of clearing and their types are considered. The components of the billing system, their types, features and benefits are described. The characteristic of the classification of payment systems in Uzbekistan is given and the regulatory framework for their organization is considered. Special attention in connection with the title of the article is given to the description of the clearing settlement system of the Central Bank and the conveniences that are created in order to optimize the settlements on payments of economic entities. Based on the data of the Central Bank, the place of the clearing settlement system of the Central Bank in the payment system of Uzbekistan is indicated. The author has drawn conclusions and recommendations on ways to improve the work of the clearing settlement system of the Central Bank of Uzbekistan (Interbank Universal Netting Information System).

Key words: Payment system, Interbank payment system, Clearing settlement system of the Central Bank; Instant payment system, transaction, billing, bank card, mobile application

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