Sobirov Otabek Olimjonovich,
Doctor of philosophy (PhD) in economic sciences, associate professor.
Department of Accounting and Auditing,
Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Namangan, Uzbekistan. Email: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-0415-0802
Abstract: In this scientific article, the analysis of scientific approaches aimed at ensuring the financial stability of economic entities and regularly conducting control over economic processes, the importance and importance of quick decision-making in management, as well as the content and essence of management accounting, to find scientifically reasonable solutions to the problems identified in the field the development of proposals, as well as the positive aspects of preparing financial statements in our country based on international standards are highlighted. It is known that the low level of efficiency of financial and economic growth of economic entities causes the loss of confidence in management and financial reports of foreign investors who are involved in the development of activities. Because it is very difficult to attract investment funds to any production activity with low efficiency. Unstable financial situation puts the implementation of strategic development plans in the future at great risk. It is very important to take measures to prevent these negative situations in time. The economics of solving the problems identified in practice requires looking at the economies of stable and developed countries and conducting in-depth research. The analysis shows that one of the reasons for the competitiveness of economic entities in economically developed countries is that economic stability is ensured due to quick, strategic and tactical decision-making. In order for economic entities to achieve efficiency in their activities, it is necessary not to limit themselves to the correct organization of the management account, but also to systematically consider the possibilities of reducing the cost of the products they produce. Based on the above, we are required to develop specific proposals aimed at the purpose, essence and importance of the management account, tasks, organization of the management account and the solution of the identified problems to ensure the achievement of the set strategic goals. The proposals developed by us, in our opinion, should provide an opportunity for the effective implementation of far-reaching plans, increase the weight of the achievements in production and serve to prevent observable losses, as well as serve to strengthen the influx of investment flows into our country.
Keywords: Management accounting, cost, income, cost, investor, investment, financial stability, international standards, management decisions.