Mohigul Murodova,
Senior lecturer of the “Economic Security” Department of the Tashkent Financial Institute, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Economics, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Email:[email protected]
Abstract: In this article, special attention is paid to meeting the demand for high-quality and safe food products and sustainable development of food industry enterprises in the conditions of the growing population of Uzbekistan and rising living standards. “Production of food products based on international quality standards, production of local food products that are competitive in domestic and foreign markets, introduction of state support system, further improvement of providing the population with high- quality and safe food products”[ 1] tasks are gaining priority. In particular, providing oil-oil raw materials with certain quality specifications for industrial processing, improving the storage, transportation and movement of oil-oil raw materials and products, increasing the profitability of oil-oil industry enterprises by diversifying the types of raw materials, using modern equipment increasing the competitiveness of enterprises by improving the equipment, consumer characteristics of the product is one of the main problems in this regard. Accordingly, it is desirable to modernize food industry enterprises on the basis of modern advanced foreign equipment and technologies, to deepen scientific research in the directions of effective use of internal capabilities of enterprises.
Keywords: Agrocluster, strategy, cooperative system, assets, securities,the leverage ratio.