PhD, professor Komolov Odiljon Sayfidinovich
Tashkent State University of Economics
Professor of the Department of international finance
ORCID: 0000-0002-0289-8673
[email protected]
JELClassification: F43, G24
Abstract: The article analyzes the role and importance of credit institutions in the country’s economy. Credit institutions, being one of the important factors in economic development, play a key role in financing business entities, stimulating investment processes, and ensuring financial stability. The article examines the role of all credit institutions, including commercial banks, microfinance organizations, pawnshops, and mortgage refinancing. The participation of organizations and representative offices of foreign banks in the economy is analyzed. Practical proposals were also made to improve the efficiency of credit institutions and their impact on economic development.
Key words: Credit institutions, financial institutions, commercial banks, credit unions, microcredit organizations, pawnshops, microfinance organizations, mortgage refinancing organizations, representative offices of foreign banks, sources of financing, credit system, borrowed funds, digital banking services, lending mechanisms.