Yakubov Ulugbek Kasimovich
Tashkent State Economic University Professor of the Department of Financial Analysis Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Abdullaev Abror Bozarboevich
Tashkent State Economic University Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Analysis, PhD.
JELClassification: H26 L25
Abstract: The tense situation in the world, the competitive environment, innovative and technological development require effective organization and management of the sale of products (work, services) in economic entities. In this regard, practical measures are being taken to accelerate Uzbekistan’s accession to the World Trade Organization. Attention is paid to the issues of harmonizing tax, customs and budget policies with the requirements of the World Trade Organization. Appropriate laws and legal documents are being developed, focusing on saving budget funds and ensuring a competitive market for local producers through effective organization of state and corporate purchases. The implementation of the tasks defined in the current law and legal documents directly determines the urgency of improving the efficiency of the sale of products (work, services) by further reforming the goods delivery system, introducing innovative technologies and advanced foreign experiences in economic entities.
Keywords: competition; innovation; sale; effect; tax; customs; budget; politics; State procurement; market; goods; analysis.