Qian Ida,
Independent applicant of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy,
Email:[email protected], ORCID: 0000-0002-6095-2831


Abstract. Modern economic relations between Uzbekistan and China are demonstrating active development and strengthening of cooperation between the two countries. The rapid increase in trade and investment volumes, which began with the signing of the cooperation agreement in the investment sphere in 2005, has today turned China into one of Uzbekistan’s key trading partners. The main export goods from Uzbekistan to China include petroleum products, textiles, cotton, fruits, and metallurgical products, accounting for more than 96% of the total export value. This article presents an analysis of the economic relations between Uzbekistan and China in the context of foreign trade activities for 2020. Particular attention is paid to the study of Uzbekistan’s export goods such as petroleum products, textiles, cotton, and agro-industrial complex products, which together form the main part of the country’s foreign trade turnover with China. The article emphasizes the need for diversification of exports from Uzbekistan to minimize risks associated with fluctuations in world prices for key export goods and to ensure the country’s sustainable economic growth in the long term.

Key words: international relations, Uzbekistan, China, economic cooperation, export diversification, oil production, textile industry

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