DSc. Associate professor Rajabov Sherzod Umurzoqovich,
Tursunоva Munisa Xujayor qizi*
Tashkent Institute of Finance
Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Email:[email protected]
Abstract: This article highlights the need for the transition of the banking system to a digital platform in the context of the development of the digital economy. The relevance of the research topic lies in the fact that in modern conditions of transition to a digital economy, digital banking is the main element of ensuring the economic security of the financial sector. This study uses an analysis method that allows for a systematic interpretation of the key concepts of “breakthrough technologies in the financial sector” and “digitalization of the economy”. In addition, conclusions should be drawn about the main directions of digital banking development. Digital transformation is far from just a transition from traditional banking to the digital world. This is a vital change in the way banks and other financial institutions learn about customers, interact with them and meet their needs. Effective digital transformation begins with understanding the behavior of digital customers, preferences, choices, likes, dislikes, stated and implicit needs, aspirations, etc. And this transformation leads to major changes in organizations, from product orientation to customer orientation. It is aimed at improving the efficiency of business operations and customer relations. To achieve these goals, organizations need to update their systems, processes, organizations and culture. Digital transformation begins with digitization. Banks that mainly rely on branches for customer service, offering poor mobile and web banking services, must first fix them. As banks providing financial services move to digital form, they should use the latest technologies, and not use outdated technologies. While we are very excited about continuous improvement, it would be unwise not to use the latest mature technologies in digital transformation. Since the level of technical maturity preferred by the organization will depend on its strategy and how it plans to use the product. Ключевые слова: цифровизация, финансовая индустрия, индустрия, финтех, блокчейн, модель цифрового банка
Keywords: digitalization, financial industry, industry, fintech, blockchain, digital bank model