Mirza Mirzaev
Senior teacher at the department of finance and credit,
Tashkent Institute of Finance,
Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Email: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-4837-770X
Muhammad Eid Balbaa, Ph.D.
Menofeya University, Egypt
Email:[email protected]
Abstract. On this article we discuss financial services provided by banks, the level of customers satisfaction with banking services in the digital economy, as well as the factors influencing it on the basis of theoretical and practical data. With Uzbekistan joining the May Declaration of the Global Alliance for Financial Inclusion, one of the priority areas of reforming the banking system and the activities of the Central Bank has become improving the quality, financial inclusion and financial literacy of the population. As part of the survey of the Central Bank, an analytical report was prepared on the quality of the provision of banking and other types of financial services in the Republic of Uzbekistan. In addition, having studied of foreign experience, it is substantiated that the increase in the quality of banking services directly leads to the improvement of customer satisfaction with financial services of banks and further development of banking competition in the market of banking services, as well as scientific proposals and practical recommendations were developed.
Key words: financial services, distance banking services, quality of banking services, popularity of services, customers satisfaction, classification of banking services.