Dinara Abdikarimova,

PhD, Associate Professor, Kimyo International University in Tashkent,

Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Email: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-1980-1417


Abstract. In this article, the scientific research conducted by various economists in researching the issues of applying the modern rating (IRB) approach to risk assessment in lending activities in our national practice is studied. Based on the conducted researches, it is based on the fact that in addition to collateral security being the main guarantee tool for bank loans, their use as collateral in credit relations and in the process of covering problem loans also causes some inconveniences, high costs and time-consuming problems. Improving the practice of evaluating collateral for bank loans in Uzbekistan, in particular, eliminating administrative approaches to evaluating bank credit collateral, truthful and reasonable collateral evaluation, immediate sale of property taken as credit collateral in necessary cases, highly qualified and it is necessary to attract experienced appraisers, to improve the organizational and legal framework for the evaluation of bank loans, to solve the problems related to the assessment of risks arising in the implementation of bank loans and the formation of collateral. The importance of reforming the banking system, deepening and increasing the stability of the capitalization of the deposit base of banks, strengthening their financial stability and reliability, ensuring the liquidity of banks in the further expansion of crediting of promising investment projects and small business and entrepreneurial entities, effective management of bank risks, improvement of the methodology of evaluating the collateral of bank loans is high. Therefore, in our national practice, in the study of the application of the modern rating (IRB) approach to the assessment of risks in the lending activity, the structure of risks arising in the lending activity, their types, specific aspects in the assessment of risks, the use of the IRB approach in the assessment of risks in the lending practice were analyzed. The main differences between the IRB approach and the previously used standardized approach in lending practice, as well as the ability of banks to independently develop intra-bank methods for calculating risk parameters were assessed. Relevant conclusions and recommendations were formed based on the conducted research.

Key words: banking, credit, collateral, assessment, risk, risk assessment, IRB approach.

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