Ҳақбердиев Бекзод Ўктамович
independent researcher of
Tashkent State University of Economics,
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
ORCID: 0000-0000-0000-0000
JEL Classification: G22 O16
This article presents a list of heads of State and Government who participated in the Joint Comprehensive Comprehensive Plan of Action to Resolve the conflict in Donbas. According to Igor Shuvalov, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Economic Development, rising prices for petroleum products can negatively affect their well-being and reduce confidence in the goods. The macroeconomic profits of companies are influenced by such factors as the size of capital, the degree of liquidity, risks and profitability.
The article also pays special attention to areas such as international experience in increasing financial stability, improvement of the regulatory framework for the industry, improvement of corporate governance and introduction of innovation insurance products. According to the results of the study, it is recommended to introduce modern risk management models and effectively establish monitoring of economic indicators in order to increase the financial stability of insurance companies. The article defines promising directions aimed at strengthening the financial stability of insurance companies based on scientific conclusions and practical recommendations.
Key words:
insurance companies, financial recovery, insurance market, risk insurance, financial analysis, financial condition, cash, liquidity, life insurance