Igamberdiyev Sahobiddin Xatam o`g`li
Independent researcher of Tashkent State University of Economics
E-mail:[email protected]
ORCID ID: 0009-0001-3285-6546
JELClassification: H27 M48
Abstract: This article analyzes the principles of recognition of income in public sector entities and their accounting using the example of international experiments. In the subjects of the public sector, a clear and transparent system of recognition of income and their accounting is important in ensuring economic stability and efficiency. According to the experience of accounting conducted on a global scale, various countries work on the management and accounting of Public Finance, relying on specific approaches. During the study, measures for the introduction of international standards in the conduct of income accounting were analyzed, as well as the possibility of applying the advanced experience of foreign countries in the conditions of Uzbekistan.
Keywords: budget funds, extra-budgetary funds, income accounting, financial statements, international standards.