Rustamov Maksud Suvankulovich
Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Finance
Doctor of economic sciences, associate professor
Tashkent State University of Economics
E-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000000233295971
Egamberganov Mirzabek Odilbek ugli
3rd year student of the Faculty of Finance
Tashkent State University of Economics
E-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: 0009000024001989
Аbstract: In this article, in the medium-term planning of the state budget of our country in the future, in the process of allocation and redistribution of budget funds, focusing on the result and the formation of income, while maintaining the orientation of the state budget funds for social protection, various budget funds It was envisaged to maintain the proportionality and to create a favorable investment environment, to ensure transparency in the tax and budget system, to use taxes to regulate the economy along with its development, and to raise the target expenditures of the state and its social environment.
Key words: budget, tax, revenue, state budget, financial plans, economic category, expenditure, savings, budget policy, inflation, budget deficit, structure.