DSc, Associate Professor Mavlanov Normumin Normamatovich,

Tashkent institute of Finance, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Email: [email protected]



Abstract. In this article, the importance and necessity of the principle of reliability in assessing the creditworthiness of economic entities is described in detail. The need to assess the reliability of economic entities in the analysis of creditworthiness and its important aspects, as well as the methodology for assessing the reliability of economic entities have been developed. Based on this methodology, a model for assessing the reliability of economic entities was created. The model for assessing the reliability of economic entities is based on three criteria. First, the reliability of the information provided by the business entity is evaluated. First, the technical correctness of the presented information is assessed, that is, the arithmetical correctness of the information, its rationalization based on the relevant regulatory documents, and the compatibility of the indicators are studied. In the content verification of the information sources, the compatibility of the report data with the results of the inventory, preliminary documents and bank data is studied. In the compatibility of financial report information, the compatibility of information in one report form with information in another report form is studied. One of the important steps in assessing the reliability of economic entities is to assess their reliability based on financial criteria. When assessing the reliability of business entities, the most important conclusions are made based on the results of financial ratios. When assessing the reliability based on financial criteria, there is a need to assess the economic insolvency (bankruptcy) of the enterprise, that is, the ability to foresee the level of viability of the business entity means that it is a reliable enterprise. Non-financial criteria also play an important role in assessing the reliability of economic entities. Non-financial indicators allow decision-making by sensing and understanding aspects that cannot be determined by means of financial indicators, but are important for the given issue. Without studying non-financial indicators, it is impossible to get complete information about the real situation in the enterprise.

Keywords. information, sources of information, reliability assessment, financial criteria, non-financial criteria, reliability assessment model.

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