Islamova Barno Bakhodirovna,
Scientific Applicant of the Department of Labor Economics and Management
Plekhanov Russian University Of Economics In Tashkent
Ташкент, Узбекистан. E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. The article presents the results of modeling the impact of migration processes on the socio-economic consequences of households in Uzbekistan. The main outcome variables selected are food and non-food expenditures, education expenditures, and health expenditures. The main instruments correlated with the outcome variables are: total expenditure, rural fictitious, household women, household age, household education, children under 5, children under 10, household size, distance. Thus, an inverse causal relationship between migration – consumption, migration – education and migration – health is presented. Thus, additional income in the form of remittances from migrants is spent on the most basic needs of households. In our case in the republic, given the additional income in the form of remittances, households would probably like to reduce spending on food and increase spending on non-food items and medical services.
Keywords. Migration, households, consumption, variables, remittances, evaluation criteria, labor migrants.