Kodirova Khilolakhon Mamadolimovna

Master, Department of “Assessment and investments”, Tashkent Finance Institute

Tashkent, Uzbekistan. E-mail: [email protected]



Abstract: We know that the economic content of the word “investment” refers to the implementation of the idea of using the current investment resources in order to obtain future profitability. The process of investing generates investment activities. The investment climate is necessary for investment activities to take place. In the investment process, methodological and technological renewal takes place, that is, starting, re-starting or continuing the chosen business with a new method and technology. The implementation of this activity depends on the investment climate, which includes economic, political, financial, social and legal and, if necessary, environmental conditions. Therefore, for the quality and quantitative development of investment activities, the investment climate is , first and foremost, improved in a good quality, convenient, basic and systematic way. Along this way government programs adopted and implemented are yielding useful results, are improving the efficiency of sectors of the economy, and are providing the basis for faster development of the country’s economy. A comprehensive study of the topic of the investment climate and its relevance are that investment actions are required to be systematic. Investment climate is a subject that students with bachelor’s degrees in business and management should study at the master’s level of higher education. It is also important to note that there is few special literature or book on the investment climate that highlight the theory of investment climate and explain its multiplier aspects. However, the theory of the investment climate is multifaceted, it is related with the theories such as organization and management of investments, investment policy, corporate governance, population studies, labour distribution, international financial relations, project financing, economic evaluation of investments, world economy, people’s (international) monetary relations,  risk management, insurance, project climate, business climate, investment legislation, doing business, international business rights. Within the framework of the above issues, this article briefly describes the following aspects of the investment climatet: the topicality of the the investment climate, scientific definitions that reveal the essence of the investment climate, the “golden egg” model of the investment climate, the “fish skeleton” method of the investment climate mechanism, the importance of investment potential for the investment climate, Uzbekistan legislation of the investment climate, international legislation of the investment climate.

Keywords: investment climate, the “golden egg” model of the investment climate, investment climate mechanism, investment climate statement, investment potential, investment climate legislation,  investment climate swot analysis

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