Sattorov Alisher
Tashkent State University of Economics
independent researcher, associate professor., PhD.
ORCID: 0009-0009-4808-1114
Abstract. Audit activity in European countries has many centuries of experience. Great Britain is the birthplace of modern auditing. In the process of establishing market relations in European countries, the emergence of capital market elements, the development of credit relations, the expansion of the production sector, and similar processes in connection with economic factors gave a new impetus to the development of audit. Verification of the accuracy of reporting information by companies has become the main part of the audit. In the conditions of competition, the international aulit was formed and achieved growth, which contributed to the creation of a strong international normative-legal basis of audit, to the detailed development of the form of audit organization. Since the results of the audit are the basis for making most economic decisions, the audit is sufficiently strictly regulated in all countries. In some of them (for example, in France), the state intervenes in this process by defining audit norms and regulatory documents, registering auditors and audit firms and exercising control over their activities. In other countries (USA, England) this process is regulated by professional social auditing organizations. Countries admitted to the European Union have differences in the state level of audit management, an examination of modern audit management at the international level took place and presented the following directions: re-evaluation of the place of public management; control of the state representative; focus on audit functions; national mandate for international auditing standards; giving a high place and importance to market managers. Thus, it ensures that all the requirements of IFAC are fulfilled, which serve to create the infrastructure for the application of XAS. This article describes the audit activity of the developed European countries, the bodies that promote audit activity, and their specific characteristics. In particular, in Great Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, Greece, the legal basis of audit activity, audit standards, the organization that approves the standard, the supervisory and licensing body, the period of external quality control, the period of external quality control, the application of mandatory audit, audit organizations and auditor rotation period, main related services, requirements for auditors are analyzed.
Калит сўзлар: аудиторлик фаолияти, аудитор, аудиторлик ташкилотлари, турдош хизматлар, назорат қилувчи органлар, аудит жамоат бирлашмалари
Keywords: audit activity, auditor, audit organizations, related services, supervisory bodies, audit public associations