Rakhimova Guzalbegim Murodovna,
PhD, Associate Professor
Email:[email protected]
Tashkent Institute of Finance, Tashkent, Uzbekistan,
Abstract. Abstract. In this article, problems in accounting for fixed assets on the basis of international standards, conversion, convergence and legalization issues and their differences and similarities in legal norms in accounting for fixed assets are discussed.
Many scientists have studied the methods, methods and methods of accounting for fixed assets. We considered it important to implement the international financial reporting standard IAS16 “Property, machinery and equipment”, to study the theoretical and practical basis of accounting, analysis and auditing. We defined the main issue in our scientific work to explain the differences between the international financial reporting standard IAS 16 “Property, machinery and equipment” and BHMS No. 5 “Fixed assets” with an analogous name.
Keywords: tangible assets, account, international financial reporting standards