Хамидова Ф. А. – ТМИ, доцент, и.ф.н.
Ядгаров А. А. – ТДИУ, доцент, и.ф.н.
In this article the current state of the integrated and balanced development of the
regional economy are analyzed, and the production conditions of regional industries in
studied. Along with studying the complex and balanced development of the regional
economy, priority proposals have been given to organize the activities of small
industrial zones and technoparks.
Калит сўзлар: ҳудудлар, Ҳаракат стратегияси, кичик саноат зоналари,
технопарклар фаолияти, қайта ишлаш саноати, эркин иқтисодий ҳудудлар,
экспорт динамикаси.